Cardinal and Canary


    Cardinal and Canary is an online baby boutique committed to bringing customers toys and accessories that are eco-friendly, sustainable and ethically made by small family-owned businesses in the USA. Our products are made from organic materials and sourced from trustworthy companies that are transparent about where and how their products are made. We offer individual products but specialize in gift boxes perfect for baby showers or gifts for expecting loved ones.

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    Owner and co-founder of Milwaukee Mom, Sarah is a full-time working mom of three rough-and-tumble boys who like their jeans ripped and their hands dirty. She has lived in Wisconsin her whole life, attending UW-Madison and finally landing in the Milwaukee area in 2012. Sarah is a former English teacher and is currently enjoying a season of strong coffee and being a small business owner! She loves a good book, a flavorful craft beer and watching her Badgers and Packers get a W. Sarah is mama to three sons.