Pretty Busy Mommas: Independent SeneGence/LipSense Distributor


    Simplify your beauty routine with products that stay put all day and do double duty! From a full face to a fresh face we have something that fits into your busy lifestyle. SeneGence skincare and cosmetics have helped my hot-mess feel more put together and it can definitely do the same for you!

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    Owner and co-founder of Milwaukee Mom, Sarah is a full-time working mom of three rough-and-tumble boys who like their jeans ripped and their hands dirty. She has lived in Wisconsin her whole life, attending UW-Madison and finally landing in the Milwaukee area in 2012. Sarah is a former English teacher and is currently enjoying a season of strong coffee and being a small business owner! She loves a good book, a flavorful craft beer and watching her Badgers and Packers get a W. Sarah is mama to three sons.