Wash. It. Later.


    Wash. It. Later. provides the only convenient and sanitary solution for soaking and pre-treating clothes on the go! Our Soak & Save Bags are specifically designed to hold water without leaking and have a single serving of chemical free – all natural/hypoallergenic soaking solution already inside! When a mess/baby blowout/potty accident/spill happens, you simply toss in the clothes, add water, seal it up and start soaking and pretreating no matter where you are! Our bags are single use, fully recyclable and have stylish minimalistic designs on them so you don’t have to see through to the disaster inside! Now the mess and smell are isolated and contained, your diaper bag stays clean, and you have a fighting chance of saving those clothes (and your sanity).

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    Owner and co-founder of Milwaukee Mom, Sarah is a full-time working mom of three rough-and-tumble boys who like their jeans ripped and their hands dirty. She has lived in Wisconsin her whole life, attending UW-Madison and finally landing in the Milwaukee area in 2012. Sarah is a former English teacher and is currently enjoying a season of strong coffee and being a small business owner! She loves a good book, a flavorful craft beer and watching her Badgers and Packers get a W. Sarah is mama to three sons.