
    Crystal is a Wisconsin native and currently lives with her husband and son in the suburbs of Milwaukee. She has a Bachelors degree from UW-Milwaukee in Kinesiology and a Masters Degree in Healthcare Administration. She has previously worked in corporate wellness but is now a SAHM. Crystal loves to exercise, participate in group fitness classes, and if she wasn’t such an introvert she would totally be a fitness instructor! During her free time, you can find Crystal in workout clothes, hanging out with her family, and enjoying all the fun things the city has to offer. She loves to travel and creating itineraries for trips is pretty much her thing! Crystal love coffee, chocolate, cooking and baking, but if she had a choice she could live on pizza and tacos alone. As if Crystal wasn’t busy enough, she thought it would be fun to start her own podcast to create a space for women to share their experiences about pregnancy, birth and parenthood. You can find out more about her podcast at
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    Owner and co-founder of Milwaukee Mom, Sarah is a full-time working mom of three rough-and-tumble boys who like their jeans ripped and their hands dirty. She has lived in Wisconsin her whole life, attending UW-Madison and finally landing in the Milwaukee area in 2012. Sarah is a former English teacher and is currently enjoying a season of strong coffee and being a small business owner! She loves a good book, a flavorful craft beer and watching her Badgers and Packers get a W. Sarah is mama to three sons.