
    Shann grew up in New Berlin, but moved to LA, where she did everything from being a tour guide at Universal Studios to being an extra on Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Missing her family, she returned to Milwaukee to pursue her Master’s Degree in Business from Marquette. After meeting her husband and starting a family, Shann decided to stay home to raise their kids. She is now mom to 6-year-old twins and an 8-year-old. When she’s not buried under a pile of laundry, Shann works as a Ballet teacher. Shann also has found a passion for fundraising and premature birth awareness, after her twins were born at just 25 weeks, 5 days. She writes about her experiences as a twin and NICU mom on her blog Shann Eva’s Blog. 
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    Owner and co-founder of Milwaukee Mom, Sarah is a full-time working mom of three rough-and-tumble boys who like their jeans ripped and their hands dirty. She has lived in Wisconsin her whole life, attending UW-Madison and finally landing in the Milwaukee area in 2012. Sarah is a former English teacher and is currently enjoying a season of strong coffee and being a small business owner! She loves a good book, a flavorful craft beer and watching her Badgers and Packers get a W. Sarah is mama to three sons.