Looking for a boost in your energy? A moment of zen? Some assistance on your immunity entering the winter season or just feeling groggy and need a little help getting back to yourself?  


Prime IV Hydration and Wellness in Mequon has all the solutions for your one stop wellness shop. I recently had an opportunity to go in for a session at their new location in Mequon and had the best experience!

Prior to my visit I received an intake form (by email) – and the day of arrival I was greeted by the kindest team – ready to help with a full menu list.  The menu was extensive – they offer over 14 options! Along with infused water and a warm essential oil towel. 

After I arrived, I had a quick chat with the nurse and the virtual doctor to address any final questions or concerns and then I was ready to sink back into the VIP massage chair with oxygen treatment while my IV did the work. 

My treatment felt like a one hour vacation (yes, it’s heavenly!) and what busy parent couldn’t use a break?! After the session you can top off with additional injections such as Vitamin D or treatment boosts for additional supportive needs.

Why it’s so effective and helps with immunity AND energy

When we consume vitamins and minerals orally, our digestive system may not absorb them efficiently. In contrast, IV administration allows for 100% absorption, providing a rapid and effective replenishment of vital nutrients.

For immunity, IV therapies can be tailored to include vitamins like C and D, zinc, and antioxidants. These bolster the immune system’s defenses, helping the body fend off illnesses more effectively… which as parents is something we could all use!

The energy-boosting benefits of IV hydration are equally amazing. Dehydration is a common culprit behind fatigue, as even mild dehydration can sap your energy and cognitive function. IV fluids rapidly rehydrate the body, allowing you to regain vitality and focus.

There are a lot of benefits to IV Vitamin Therapy (looking better, feeling better, sleeping better, increasing athletic performance and more) — but immunity and increasing energy is always top of mind!

And the quick, convenient and relaxing nature of Prime IV Hydration and Wellness is exactly what we all need to achieve this. 

Available Treatments

See Membership & Pricing at this location.

Relax in a State-of-the-Art Massage Chair as You Receive Your Treatment

The heated head-to-toe massage chairs include percussion, kneading, vibration, tapping and rolling.

Location + Contact Info

10938 N. Port Washington Road
Mequon, WI

[email protected]
(262) 384-3490

Prime IV Hydration has redefined the way we approach health and wellness. By offering cutting-edge IV therapy, they provide an opportunity to rejuvenate and revitalize our bodies, boosting immunity and increasing energy in the process. My experience at Prime IV Hydration left me feeling empowered and energized, ready to embrace the challenges of life with renewed vitality. This innovative approach to wellness offers a path to optimal health that is both accessible and transformative.

Make sure to check out more information on their website for all the options, packages and the incredible membership deals!



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