Breakfast, anyone? It’s back to school time! 

Now we’re back and ready to roll! Well, we will be after we get a tasty and nutritious breakfast. Read on for five of my favorite ways to start the day when I’m rushing out the door.

Homemade Egg Muffins

Sure, you could stop in the fast-food line on your way to work. OR, you could spend $10 and 30 minutes to prep a bunch of egg muffins at home. (Bonus – since you’re making them at home, everyone can pick their toppings, ensuring you won’t have to fight the kiddos to finish this pre-school meal.) Stick these tasty treats in the freezer, then pop in the microwave while you put on your coat for a yummy to-go brekkie that will power through your morning meeting.

Pancake Bites

These blueberry pancake bites from Honey & Lime sound like the perfect way to start the day. You can use a pancake mix or make your own. Not a fan of blueberries? Try other small bits of fruit.

Chocolate Smoothie

Who doesn’t want to start the day with a chocolate milkshake? No one I want to know!

I have a chocolate smoothie every day. Seriously, every day. It’s the best way to start the day with all the good stuff – berries, spinach, bananas, and nuts. I add flax seed, pumpkin seeds, and maca powder to mine, but this recipe for a smoothie sounds great. If you don’t have frozen fruit, just add a handful of ice cubes to make sure you end up with the right texture.

Let Kids Make Their Own Breakfast: Waffle Pizzas

If you’ve got time, make a game of this breakfast of waffle pizzas by letting everyone top their own. No time for all that? No problem! You know what they like, so prep them yourself. Better yet, let the kids know all the ingredients are in the fridge and tell them THEY are in charge of getting it done while you do your morning routine. Teach a man to fish and all that…

Hard-Boiled Eggs and Toast

Take the easy way out all week long by hard-boiling a dozen eggs on Sunday night. Each morning each person gets an egg and a banana. Tada! Breakfast is served!! Sometimes simple is best.

What’s your favorite way to fill the belly first thing in the morning?


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